_Judaism, Surfing and Multiculturalism
The Jewishsurfer is engaged in two projects: an ongoing website and a journal
Volume 1 Issue 1: (2012)
Main Topic: Judaism, Surfing and Multiculturalism
Consider this puzzle in your submissions:
Social identity is inherently complex.
1. What are some of the forces of Judaism, Surfing and intra and inter cultural engagement all about?
2. What’s is like to be Jewish (or not to be Jewish) and intersect with Jews and their surf?
3. What are the politics of Judaism and surfing? Can surfing bring inter-cultural understanding?
4. How do spirituality and Judaism come together?
5. How does visual imagery and language interplay with Jewish and surfing identity?
6. How does hybrid identity factor into Judaism and surfing?
Submissions are welcomed at: [email protected]